So how’s your Christmas shopping going? Mine is following the same pattern that it follows every year – I get started in November, congratulate myself for starting it so early then don’t actually finish it off until mid December where I suddenly panic when I realise that Christmas day is round the corner, there is no way I want to go into town and wrestle with all the other Christmas shopppers! – and this is exactly why I love internet shopping so much!
This year at MollieBee we have some fabulous stocking fillers for little ones. We’ve recently brought in some gorgeous rattles and comforters by brilliant designer Ella & Otto
These colourful little guys are make brilliant stocking fillers as they are small, soft and squashy, easy to wrap and totally affordable! –your little ones will love them! The comforter bunnies come in the Tweet Tweet and the Beep Beep designs and matching items are also available.
The other soft toys that we have been totally loving this year are the little ‘Busy Peas’ characters! All these guys are small, cute and extremely lovable, plus with names like ‘Pete Pea’, ‘Carry Carrot’, ‘Stewart Strawberry’ and ‘Gene Aubergine’ – you can’t really go wrong.
Again all of these guys are small, soft and fit perfectly into Christmas stockings! – Plus there are also matching items available including ‘All in Ones’ and ‘Bodysuits’ – what more could you want!?!?!
Do you know anyone who is due to give birth this Christmas? – and if so are you wondering what to buy the new baby as a gift? – well take a look at these super cute ‘newborn sets’ by creative designer ‘Olive & Moss’:
These brilliant newborn sets are a generous size 0-3 months. Choose from the cheeky ‘Michael Monkey’ or cute ‘Betty Bunny’ prints, either one is sure to bring a smile to your face. The sets are made up of a sleepsuit that has closed feet to ensure that feet are kept warm at all times, and a matching hat which will keep precious little heads warm and snuggly!
Well there you go, I hope that we have given you some fab and funky stocking ideas! We also hope that you are not finding your Christmas shopping too stressful – remember ‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!’, so sit back, relax have a mince pie, and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
The MollieBee Team